Donate to Little Angel

We rely on donations to support our community work in schools, to make sure our shows are open to everyone, to help our shows visit hard to reach spaces like hospitals and prisons, and to look after our cherished buildings.


Donate for workshop places

Help us to fund free places on these activities for children who would not otherwise be able to take part


Digital Access Fund

Our digital work enables us to reach those who might face access barriers to visiting our venues. These could be geographical, physical or socio-economic. If you are able to make a donation to help us subsidise this area of work we would be grateful – the income from the ticket sales alone does not cover our costs to create these digital assets.


Puppets For All

Puppets For All is our scheme for giving free tickets to families on low incomes who would not otherwise have the chance to visit the theatre. Your donation will help us to work towards meeting an unprecedented demand, providing more of these children with magical memories and showing them that theatre is for them.


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